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Lời giải Tiếng Anh 11 Unit 3 Speaking sách mới:

Tiếng Anh 11 Unit 3: Speaking (sách mới – Global Success)

  • (Global Success) Giải Tiếng Anh 11 Unit 3 Speaking (trang 32, 33)

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Lưu trữ: Giải Tiếng Anh 11 Unit 3: Speaking (sách cũ)

B. Speaking (Trang 35-36 SGK Tiếng Anh 11)

Task 1. Think of a party you have been to. Choose from the list the things you want to talk about. (Nghĩ về một bữa tiệc bạn đã tham dự. Chọn từ danh sách những thứ bạn nghĩ bạn muốn nói đến.)

– Whose party was it? (Bữa tiệc của ai?)

– What was the occasion? (Nhân dịp gì?)

– Did you take a gift for the host? (Bạn có mang quà đến cho chủ nhà không?)

– Who did you so with? (Bạn đi với ai?)

– Where was the party? (Buổi tiệc ở đâu?)

– Were there any decorations? (Ở đó trang trí gì không?)

– Were there a lot of people there? (Có nhiều người ở đó không?)

– Did you know most of the people there? (Bạn có biết hầu hết mọi người ở đó không?)

– What sort of the drink and food did you have? (Bạn ăn và uống gì?)

– What was the music like? (Âm nhạc như thế nào?)

– Did you dance? (Bạn có nhảy múa không?)

– Did you meet anybody nice there? (Bạn có gặp ai dễ thương ở đó không?)

Đọc thêm:  Tiếng Anh 7 Global Success Unit 3 Communication

– What time did it start? (Mấy giờ buổi tiệc bắt đầu?)

– What time did it finish? (Mấy giờ buổi tiệc kết thúc?)

– Did you stay to the end? (Bạn có ở đến cuối buổi tiệc không?)

Task 2. Work in pairs. Tell your partner about the party. (Làm việc theo cặp. Nói với bạn học về buổi tiệc bạn từng tham dự.)

Gợi ý:

Đoạn hội thoại gợi ý:

A: I have just been invited to my friend’s house for dinner.

B: Oh, how nice. What do you often do when you are invited to someone’s house?

A: Well. It’s a custom to bring a small gift.

B: Really, like what?

A: Maybe some flowers or something for dessert.

B: And is it alright to bring a friend?

A: Well, if you want to bring someone you are expected to call first and ask it is OK.

B: Uhm. How long did the party last.

A: The party lasted two hours. We often talked together. Some sang or play music. We enjoyed the party very much.

Bài văn gợi ý:

It was Nam’s 17th birthday party. I was very glad to be invited. I gave him a brithday card and a good book as presents, he liked them a lot. I came to the party with some of our mutual friends. The party was held at Long’s home. Though it was not a big one, it was very cozy and full of happiness. There were many his friends and relatives joined and I knew most of them. There was a variety of food and drinks. I enjoyed some cocacola and fresh fruits. Music was fast and furious. My friends were dancing passionately while I was talking with some new friends. People there were really friendly and humorous. The party ended at about 9 p.m. I came home with high spirit. It was really a memorable party.

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Task 3. Work in groups. You are going to take part in a competition to organize the best party. Decide on the following. (Làm việc nhóm. Bạn sẽ tham dự kì thi tổ chức một bữa tiệc tuyệt vời nhất. Quyết định các vấn đề sau:)

Gợi ý những thứ cần thiết cho bữa tiệc:

– budget (quỹ): 300 k

– date and time (thời gian): 7 p.m on October 31

– who to invite (khách mời): classmates, English teacher

– place (địa điểm): my house

– formal or informal dress (trang phục trang trọng hay trang phục thường): informal dress

– decorations (trang trí): colored light, bulbs, answers flowers

– entertainment (giải trí: âm nhạc, trò chơi, …): dance, music, games

– food and drink (đồ ăn và đồ uống): pizzas, hambugers, cake, fruit juice, …

Task 3. Tell the rest of the class about your party. Try to convince them to come. (Kể cho lớp về bữa tiệc của bạn. Cố gắng thuyết phục mọi người tới dự.)

Gợi ý:

We are having a Halloween party at 7 p.m on October 31 in my house. Would you like to come? We have also invited English teacher. There will be a lot of food and drink that you like as pizzas, hambugers, cake, fruit juice, … . Of course, there will be dancing and some exciting game with interesting prizes for winners.

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