Tiếng anh

Trắc nghiệm Tiếng Anh 11 mới Unit 5 (có đáp án): Being part of Asean

Bộ bài tập trắc nghiệm Tiếng Anh lớp 11 chương trình thí điểm gồm đầy đủ các kĩ năng: Phonetics and Speaking, Vocabulary and Grammar, Reading, Writing có đáp án và giải thích chi tiết. Vào Xem chi tiết để theo dõi bài tập trắc nghiệm Tiếng Anh lớp 11.

A. Phonetics and Speaking

Bài 1. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.

Question 1: A. athlete B. capital C. stalk D. talent

Question 2: A. emblem B. member C. regret D. theme

Question 3: A. August B. gerund C. purpose D. suggest

Question 4: A. dream B. mean C. peace D. steady

Question 5: A. consist B. disable C. suggest D. vision

Bài 2. Mark the letter A. B. C. or D to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions.

Question 6: A. assistance B. confident C. dynamic D. external

Question 7: A. academic B. behaviour C. participate D. relationship

Question 8: A. charter B. depict C. enter D. purchase

Question 9: A. athlete B. continue C. principle D. regional

Question 10: A. competition B. fundamental C. interference D. stable

Question 11: A. phonetic B. dynamic C. climatic D. atmospheric

Question 12: A. commentator B. prehistory C. preferable D. practicable

Question 13: A. mandate B. promote C. address D. pursue

Question 14: A. insecure B. scenario C. inaccurate D. infrequent

Question 15: A. property B. surgery C. vacation D. nitrogen

B. Vocabulary and Grammar

Bài 1. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.

Question 1: The government’s interference in the strike has been widely criticised

A. disapproval B. intervention C. limitation D. postponement

Question 2: The emblem of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations was designed basing on rice – the most important crop for the Southeast Asian people

A. banner B. logo C. motto D. slogan

Question 3: The scholarship is renewed annually and may be stopped if the students have poor academic records or bad behaviours.

A every day B. every month C. every week D. every year

Question 4: In Thailand, it’s against the law to litter on the pavement. If you are caught, you can be fined up to $2000 Baht.

A evil B. illegal C. immoral D. wrong

Question 5: The beautiful sights in Sa Pa, Mui Ne and Ha Noi all contribute to the country’s magic charm.

A. beauty B. fame C. image D. value

Question 6: ASEAN organised different projects and activities to integrate its members

A. combine B. interest C. separate D. upgrade

Question 7: The major shortcoming of ASEAN as an organisation is the inability to go through many declarations, agreements, and instruments that they have proliferated over the years.

A. advantage B. benefit C. drawback D. success

Bài 2. Mark the letter A. B. C. or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.

Question 1: . It is no use ____ a girl that she doesn’t need to lose any weight.

A. convince B. convincing C. to convince D. to convincing

Question 2: I have much homework that I ought ____.

A. do B. to doing C. doing D. to do

Question 3: . She did a funny little curtsy which Josh and Silver couldn’t help ____ at.

A. laugh B. laughing C. to laugh D. to laughing

Question 4: We are looking forward ____ out at the weekend.

A. go . B. going C. to go D. to going

Question 5: . You should give up ____ your sister.

A. being bullied B. bullied C. bullying D. to bully

Question 6: She is used ____ to loud music

A. listen B. listening C. to listen D. to listening

Question 7: . I’m in a difficult position. What do you advise me ____?

A. do B. doing C. to do D. to doing

Question 8: It’s a nice day. Does anyone fancy ____ for a walk?

A. having gone B. going C. to go D. went

C. Reading

Bài 1. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions.

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When Malaysia takes the ASEAN chair next year, it will face a huge challenge. Too few of us know enough about this grouping we call the Association of Southeast Asian Nations. We do not know what it means to be a part of ASEAN and why it is important to us. At the same time, pressure is mounting to reinvent ASEAN to make it more people-centric and less government-centric. The Heat speaks to Global Movement of Moderates CEO Saifuddin Abdullah on why ASEAN should mean more to us than just acronyms.

ASEAN people do not feel like they are a part of the community of Southeast Asian nations. This statement, backed up by survey findings, is pretty bizarre, and extremely hurtful too, considering that ASEAN is 47 years old today. “Interview 10 persons on the street and you would perhaps get only one of them who knows about ASEAN,” says Datuk Saifuddin Abdullah. This CEO of Global Movement of Moderates (GMM) is not running down ASEAN; he’s confronting the truth as it impacts the project he has been entrusted with. Here’s more, in 2012, the ASEAN Secretariat conducted a survey that showed only 34% of Malaysians had heard of the ASEAN community. This compares with 96% of Laotians. Malaysia chairs ASEAN next year, and GMM is a member of the national steering committee organising the ASEAN People’s Forum (APF), a platform designed to bridge the gap between governments and civil society. Never heard of it? You’re forgiven.

The APF actually started off life in the 1990s, except it was called the ASEAN People’s Assembly (APA). It was held back to back with the ASEAN Summit, which is held twice a year. The APA is the forum where 10 leaders of government engage with 10 leaders of civil society in a half-hour meeting. “It was going well until one year when the chairman decided not to hold the APA, so it was discontinued until 2005 when Malaysia took the chairmanship of ASEAN again and founded the ASEAN People’s Forum (APF),” Saifuddin explains. In a perfect world, forums such as the APF or its predecessor APA would have worked perfectly to bridge the gap between government and civil society.

However, as Saifuddin points out, Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) often do not see eye to eye with their governments. For instance this year, Myanmar is chair of ASEAN and in the APF, three member nations – including Malaysia – decided not to recognise the CSO leaders chosen as representatives so the APF did not take place. “This is where the GMM wants to play a role in ensuring that this situation does not arise again,” Saifuddin says.

Question 1: According to the passage, in 1990s, APF was called ____.

A. ASEAN People’s Assembly

B. ASEAN People’s Forum

C. Civil Society Organisations

D. Global Movement of Moderates

Question 2: The word “acronyms” in paragraph 1 probably means ____.

A. abbreviations B. antonyms C. enlargements D. synonyms

Question 3: The phrase “backed up” in paragraph 2 has similar meaning to ____.

A. concluded B. introduced C. proved D. Supported

Question 4: According to the passage, Datuk Saifuddin Abdullah was CEO of ____.


Question 5: Which of the following statements is NOT true about the APF according to the passage?

A. APF consists of 20 leaders. B. APF is held every two years.

C. APF is reorganised in 2005. D. APF lasts for 30 minutes.

Question 6: The phrase “bridge the gap” in paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to ____.

A. avoid the conflict B. break down the wall

C. build a strong relation D. narrow the difference

Question 7: Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?

A. Discontinuing APF led to conflict between government and civil society.

B. Laotians show more interest in politics than Malaysians.

C. The APA was held twice a year until 2005.

D. CSOs do not always agree with their governments.

Question 8: Which of the following would serve as the best title for the passage?

A. How important was the ASEAN People’s Forum?

B. Who is going to be the ASEAN chair next year?

C. What does it mean to be a part of ASEAN?

D. Why do GMM play an important role in ASEAN?

Bài 2. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions.

Cooperation is the common endeavor of two or more people to perform a task or reach a jointly cherished goal. Like competition and conflict, there are different forms of cooperation, based on group organization and attitudes.

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In the first form, known as primary cooperation, group and individual fuse. The group contains nearly all of each individual’s life. The rewards of the group’s work are shared with each member. There is an interlocking identity of individual, group and task performed. Means and goals become one, for cooperation itself is valued.

While primary cooperation is most often characteristic of preliterate societies, secondary cooperation is characteristic of many modem societies. In secondary cooperation, individuals devote only part of their lives to the group. Cooperation itself is not a value. Most members of the group feel loyalty, but the welfare of the group is not the first consideration. Members perform tasks so that they can separately enjoy the fruits of their cooperation in the form of salary prestige, or power. Business offices and professional athletic teams are examples of secondary cooperation.

In the third type called tertiary cooperation or accommodation, latent conflict underlies the shared work. The attitudes of the cooperating parties are purely opportunistic: the organization is loose and fragile. Accommodation involves common means to achieve antagonistic goals: it breaks down when the common means cease to aid each party in reaching its goals. This is not, strictly speaking cooperation at all, and hence the somewhat contradictory term antagonistic cooperation is sometimes used for this relationship.

Question 1: What is the author’s main purpose in the first paragraph of to passage?

A. To urge readers to cooperate more often

B. To offer a brief definition of cooperation

C. To explain how cooperation differs from competition and conflict

D. To show the importance of group organization and attitudes

Question 2: The word “cherished” in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to _______

A. defined B. agreed on C. prized D. set up

Question 3: Which of the following statements about primary cooperation is supported by information in the passage?

A. It is usually the first stage of cooperation achieved by a group of individuals attempting to cooperate

B. It is most commonly seen among people who have not yet developed reading and writing skills

C. It is an ideal that can never be achieved

D. It was confined to prehistoric times

Question 4: According to the passage, why do people join groups that practice secondary cooperation?

A. To experience the satisfaction of cooperation

B. To associate with people who have similar backgrounds

C. To get rewards for themselves

D. To defeat a common enemy

Question 5: Which of the following is an example of the third form of cooperation as it is defined in the fourth paragraph?

A. Students form a study group so that all of them can improve their grades

B. Members of a farming community share work and the food that they grow

C. Two rival political parties temporarily work together to defeat a third party

D. A new business attempts to take customers away from an established company

Question 6: Which of the following is NOT given as a name for the third type of cooperation?

A. Tertiary cooperation B. Antagonistic cooperation

C. Accommodation D. Latent conflict

Question 7: The word “fragile” in paragraph 4 is closest in meaning to

A. involuntary B. poorly planned C. inefficient D. easily broken

D. Writing

Bài 1. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks

British families started going on holiday to the seaside around the middle of the 19th century. The invention of the railways made this possible. The first holidaymakers were quite rich and went for their health and education. The seaside was a place to be (1)______of illnesses, and doctors recommended bathing in the sea and drinking sea water. Also to increase their knowledge, families attended concerts and read books from libraries.

At that time, ordinary working people had very little time (2)______. However, in 1871, the government introduce four “Bank Holidays” – national holiday days. This allowed people to have a day or two out, which now and then gave them a taste for leisure and the seaside. At first they went on day-trips, taking

(3)______ of special cheap tickets on the railways. By the 1880s, rising incomes meant many ordinary workers and their families could have a week’s holiday at the seaside. Rail fares were reduced and cheap hotels were built to (4)______ them. Holidaymakers enjoyed being idle, sitting on the beach, bathing in the sea, and eating ice-cream. Cheap entertainment was (5)_____ offer and holidaymakers went to have fun. Today, the English seaside remained popular, with more than 18 million holidays taken there each year.

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Question 1: A. recovered B. cured C. improved D. remedied

Question 2: A. out B. off C. from D. away

Question 3: A. opportunity B. benefit C. profit D. advantage

Question 4: A. cater B. board C. lodge D. accommodate

Question 5: A. for B. on C. in D. to

Bài 2. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the following questions.

Question 1: . I said that she should see a doctor.

A. I advised her seeing a doctor. B. I advised her should see a doctor.

C. I advised her to see a doctor. D. I advised to see a doctor

Question 2: Ireland doesn’t allow people to smoke in bars.

A. Ireland doesn’t enjoy smoking in bars.

B. Ireland hates smoking in bars.

C. Smoking in bars is banned in Ireland.

D. You should not smoke in bars in Ireland.

Question 3: Working on the computer is not what she feels like.

A. She doesn’t feel like work on the computer.

B. She doesn’t feel like working on the computer.

C. She doesn’t feel like to work on the computer.

D. She doesn’t feel like to working on the computer

Question 4: California doesn’t permit people to fish without a fishing license.

A. California can’t stand fishing without a fishing license.

B. California doesn’t allow fishing without a fishing license.

C. California doesn’t encourage fishing without a fishing license.

D. California doesn’t mind fishing without a fishing license.

Question 5: “Why don’t we go for a walk?” Mary said

A. Mary advised to go for a walk.

B. Mary asked going for a walk.

C. Mary suggested going for a walk.

D. Mary would like going for a walk.

Bài 3. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of sentences in the following questions.

Question 6: Everyone was all so afraid. Nobody dared to speak anything.

A. Everyone was too afraid to dare to speak anything

B. Everyone was afraid enough to not to speak anything.

C. Everyone was such afraid that nobody speak anything.

D. Nobody was not afraid enough to dare to speak anything.

Question 7: We cannot create a rule-based ASEAN. We don’t have means of drafting, interpreting and enforcing rules.

A. Having means of drafting, interpreting and enforcing rules, it is impossible to create a rule-based ASEAN.

B. It is impossible to create a rule-based ASEAN community with means of drafting, interpreting and enforcing rules.

C. Not having means of drafting, interpreting and enforcing rules, we are unable to create a rule-based ASEAN.

D. To have means of drafting, interpreting and enforcing rules, we are able to create a rule-based ASEAN.

Question 8: Indonesia was influenced by Chinese, European, Indian, and Malay cultures. It is a widely diverse nation with over 300 ethnic groups.

A. To influence by Chinese, European, Indian, and Malay cultures, Indonesia is a widely diverse nation with over 300 ethnic groups.

B. To be influenced by Chinese, European, Indian, and Malay cultures, Indonesia is a widely diverse nation with over 300 ethnic groups.

C. Influencing by Chinese, European, Indian, and Malay cultures, Indonesia is a widely diverse nation with over 300 ethnic groups.

D. Being influenced by Chinese, European, Indian, and Malay cultures, Indonesia is a widely diverse nation with over 300 ethnic groups.

Question 9: You come to Ha Noi. You are offered a large number of must-see tourist sites.

A. Come to Ha Noi, you are offered a large number of must-see tourist sites.

B. Coming to Ha Noi, you are offered a large number of must-see tourist sites.

C. Having come to Ha Noi, you are offered a large number of must-see tourist sites.

D. To come to Ha Noi, you are offered a large number of must-see tourist sites

Question 10: There isn’t a culture of respecting and following the rule. The ASEAN community’s present goal cannot be achieved.

A. Even though there isn’t a culture of respecting and following the rule, the ASEAN community’s present goal cannot be achieved.

B. Not being a culture of respecting and following the rule, the ASEAN community’s present goal cannot be achieved.

C. Owing to the a culture of respecting and following the rule, the ASEAN community’s present goal cannot be achieved.

D. The ASEAN community’s present goal cannot be achieved unless there is a culture of respecting and following the rule.

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