Tiếng anh

Unit 7: Writing (Trang 25 SGK Tiếng Anh Lớp 11 Sách Mới)

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Dear Susan,

I am preparing for going to America to study medicine. I don’t think I will have many problems with culture shock, but I should know well about it before I fly. Once I am in America; of course, I will have to tace the unfamiliar around me and may feel confused sometimes.

I am thinking of you now and writing to ask you about ways how to deal with culture shock. Tell me please in detail what I should do to understand a different culture, how I can get balance in my new life, and what I should learn to adapt to it. I have spent a lot of time reading through travel forums, guidebooks, news reports… but what I have read is so general.

One more thing, Susan, what is the best way to get involved with the local community? What are the cultural activities that often take place there? I will no longer feel culture shock when I am used to living in their lifestyle, I think.

Finally, I wish vou and your family the best. I look forward to hearing from you soon. Regards,

Phương Anh


Dear Liam,

Last time I told you that I had been thinking about pursuing higher education in the UK. I got started to learn the process of applying for a university in London some time ago. Now I have some questions for you.

First, what is the procedure for applying for a student visa? Of course. I have to submit an application but what other documents are required? How long does it take me to obtain my student visa? It is important to plan time to wait for visa processing because the time between finding out I have been accepted to go and leaving may be very close together. Second, do 1 have to present my financial documents; for example proof of funds, to prove that I am able to pay for my education? And last, do I need to obtain the International Certificate of Vaccination? Is it required that I have certain vaccinations before I go? What are they? After all. can you make me a checklist: what I should bring and what I should leave at home?

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I wish you and your family the best. I look forward to hearing from you soon.


Ngoc Minh

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